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Monsignor Andrew J. McGowan Memorial Cup
October 7, 2024@9:00 am-6:00 pm
| $3500Available Packages
Presenting Sponsor: $8,000 (Sold)
4 person team, tournament team package, 4 non-golfer dinner tickets, opening evening program remarks, company logo featured on all signage & promotions (on/off course), featured on Facebook/LinkedIn Posts, Luzerne Foundation website, and full page digital booklet ad.
Cocktail Sponsor: $6,000 (Sold)
4 person team, tournament team package, opening cocktail remarks, company logo featured on cocktail signage & promotions (on/off course), featured on Facebook/LinkedIn Posts, Luzerne Foundation website, full page digital booklet ad.
Golf Season Vacation Sponsor: $6,000 (Sold)
4 person team, tournament team package, welcome remarks, company logo featured on all signage & promotions (on/off course), featured on Facebook/LinkedIn Posts, Luzerne Foundation website, and full page digital booklet ad.
Apparel Sponsor: $6,000 (Sold)
4 person team, tournament team package, pre-golf remarks, company logo featured on all signage & promotions (on/off course), featured on Facebook/LinkedIn Posts, Luzerne Foundation website, and full page digital booklet ad. Grant Sponsors $5,000 4 person team, tournament team package, company/family name featured in grant letter, advise on the $1000 grant awardee with the Luzerne Foundation, featured on Facebook/LinkedIn Posts, Luzerne Foundation website, mention in digital booklet.
Grant Sponsor: $5,000
4 person team, tournament team package, company/family name featured in grant letter, advise on the $1000 grant awardee with the Luzerne Foundation,
featured on Facebook/LinkedIn Posts, Luzerne Foundation website, mention in digital booklet.
Tournament Teams: $3,500
4 person team, tournament team package, company logo / group mention in digital booklet.
Non-Playing Grant Sponsor: $1,000
Company/family name featured within the $1000 grant letter and advise on the $1000 grant awardee with the Luzerne Foundation
Non-Playing Dinner Ticket: $100/person
Tournament Team Packages: $3,500 Value
QTY 1 – Myrtle Beach/Hilton Head, SC. Sundance Vacations Certificate
The certificate entitles the bearer to a 7-night golf season vacation for up to 6 people in a 2 bedroom/2 bath condo in your choice of Myrtle Beach or Hilton Head, SC. Accommodations only. Does not include Golf and or transportation. Subject to availability and valid for one year from date of issue October 7, 2024. Certificate is not valid for holidays, special events and summer travel from June 1st through September 30th. Minimum age requirements Myrtle Beach 23 yrs old, Hilton Head 25 yrs old.
QTY 4 – Luzerne Foundation Peter Millar Polo Shirts
Elevate your casual style with a Peter Millar Polo, Polos favored by the Pros
QTY 4 – $50 Gift Card Ruth Chris Steak House
Enjoy dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steak House
Lunch-On-course Beverages/Snacks – Cocktail Hour – Dinner