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Youth Advisory Committee (YAC)

Youth Advisory Committee (YAC)2024-07-22T11:09:31-04:00

Youth Advisory Committee Formed at The Luzerne Foundation Student Run Group to Research and Award Grants

The Luzerne Foundation’s Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) is a program designed to introduce local high school students to philanthropy and community development. The program provides hands-on experience that benefits both the participating students and local charities.

Students work in the community to raise money, build endowment funds, and make grants to non-profit organizations improving the lives in our community. YAC is an opportunity to prepare young people to be active, lifelong community citizens.

YAC awards grants to support programs working to improve the Luzerne County Area. Grants are reviewed by YAC members and awarded in late spring, at the end of each school year.

YAC Students learn and experience a first-hand look at their community by:

Community Outreach

Monthly meetings include guest speakers who work within our community, and discuss the importance of supporting our area in ways that are meaningful and impactful.

Fund Raising

Students are tasked with finding creative ways to raise funds.  They make connections with businesses and local community members to develop a fundraising plan.  All funds raised help build the YAC endowment, allowing more money to be awarded in grants each year.

Grant Making

Students will invite nonprofit organizations to apply and present at their nonprofit forum in December. Each presenter has 3 minutes to share their story and how funding from YAC will support their mission. YAC students deliberate and select 4-6 organizations to be awarded grants at their annual award banquet.

Visit Our YAC Awards Banquet Sponsors:

2023-2024 YAC Kickoff Dinner

YAC Grantmaking Since Inception

Total Nonprofits Supported: 46
Total Grants and In-Kind Gifts: $189,775


$7,000 MamaBird NEPA Inc.
$4,000 Sleep in Heavenly Peace, Inc.
$5,000 United Way of Wyoming Valley
$6,000 Volunteers of America of Pennsylvania


$3,000 Wilkes University
$3,000 The Jump Start Cart
$4,000 Restored Church
$5,000 Dinners for Kids, Inc.
$2,000 CASA of Luzerne County
$3,000 Family Service Association of NEPA


$5,500 Parenting Autism United
$4,500 United Way of Wyoming Valley
$4,000 NEPA Philharmonic
$3,500 Volunteers of America
$2,500 Think Big Pediatric Cancer Fund


$5,000 Domestic Violence Service Center – Playground Expansion
$5,000 Catholic Youth Center – Taste and See Program
$5,000 Catherine McAuley Center — Virtual Learning Supplies and Purchases
$1,000 Camp Koala — Scholarships


$5,000 The Wright Center for Community Health – Stratus Video Language App
$5,000 The Family Service Association of NEPA ~ Help Line/211 Service
$5,000 Eastern Pennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation — for the purchase of a drone to assist with watershed mapping


$5,500 F.M. Kirby Center – Sensory Friendly Theater
$5,500 PA Environment Council – Community Illegal Dumpsite Cleanup Program
$5,000 Mom-n-Pa Dental – Dental Program June 7 & 8 at Mohegan Sun Arena


$5,000 Family Service Association of NEPA
$5,000 Camp Orchard Hill
$5,000 The Hope Center of Wyoming Valley
$1,000 Wyoming Valley Catholic Youth Center


$5,000 Helping Hands Society, Bringing the Outside In
$5,000 McGlynn Center, Weekend Program
$5,000 Northeast Regional Cancer Institute, The Community Based Cancer Screening Navigation Program
$1,000 St. Joseph’s Center, medical equipment for Luzerne County Intermediate Care
$775 CASA of Luzerne County, Resource Library: Special gift of games/toys


$5,000 Hazleton Integration Project, After School Scholarship Program
$5,000 Wyoming Valley Children’s Association, SPOT On Preschool Camp
$3,500 YMCA of Wilkes-Barre, Tasty Thursday Program
$2,500 Women’s Resource Center, Safe Housing Program


$5,000 Children’s Service Center, Music Intervention
$5,000 Ruth’s Place, Staff Expansion
$3,000 Cori’s Place, Mind & Body
$3,000 The United Way of Wyoming Valley, Success by 6


$5,000 CASA of Luzerne County, CASA Training Classes
$5,000 Volunteers in Medicine, A Healthy Smile for a Healthy Start
$5,000 Wyoming Valley Children’s Association, Multi-Sensory Room
$1,000 Marlee’s Mission, Scholarships
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