On February 23rd, 2023, John Kistler, a 17-year PA state employee, unexpectedly took his own life after a long battle with anxiety and depression. He started with the juvenile justice system and became one of the managers. He then after leaving the juvenile justice system he became a manager at ChildLine. John’s wife Anne Marie, his daughter Megan along with his son Jeremy wanted to keep his memory alive. His entire life was based around helping children and teenagers. We would like to keep his memory alive by having a scholarship and grant in his memory. If you fit the requirements, please apply.

Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

  1. Must be majoring in
    Criminal Justice
    Or Psychology
    Or Sociology
    Or Criminology
    Or Music Education / Sound Production / Music Recording
    And struggles with mental illness/self-harming behavior OR lost a parent and lives in a single parent household OR was previously placed in a juvenile treatment facility.
  2. Must have at least a C average
  3. Must show financial need