Daylene Burnside Administrative Endowment Fund

Daylene Burnside Administrative Endowment Fund2024-11-05T20:55:31-05:00

This Fund was named in honor of Daylene Burnside, the first Executive Director of The Luzerne Foundation, serving from its inception in 1994 through June 2000. Daylene continues to be an active participant as a board member and on numerous committees. This administrative Fund helps to defray the operational expenses of The Foundation such as employee expenses, phone, rent, postage, etc. The intent of this Fund is to allow The Foundation to be as self-sustaining as possible, with cost-effective financial management, administration, tax reporting and audits for those funds established within The Foundation. This Fund is available to maximize the quality and efficiency of philanthropy to maximize the good for the community. All distributions from the Administrative Endowment Fund are used to defray operational expenses of The Foundation.

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