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Thanks for Helping Kids with Asthma Enjoy Camping

The Citizens’ Voice / Letter to the Editor / Published September 13, 2018

Editor: The Max and Lorraine Foundation and the American Lung Association would like to express their deepest gratitude to the doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and all the volunteers who gave their time to make it possible for 28 children with asthma to enjoy the camping experience for the 20th year in a row.

The Max and Lorraine Foundation was founded in memory of Lorraine Button Tracy and her son, Max, who passed away at age 40 and 10 respectively due to complications arising from asthma attacks.

A special thank you to our medical director Dr. Jeffrey Zero, Chris and Elaine Tino, Tony Delonti of the American Lung Association and Lisa Pupa for their hours of dedication to coordinate the camp schedule along with Mary Delpiaz and Marnetta Bradfor for providing additional asthma education for the children.

Great appreciation goes out to Mack McElhinney and the YMCA staff for their patience and understanding shown to each child. We are fortunate to have Camp Kresge in our locality for all to enjoy. We would also like to welcome and thank Devon Polhemus, Camp and Conference Director for her assistance.

This year, we were especially fortunate to have enough former campers return as counselors for all the cabins. Their help was indeed appreciated.

A debt of gratitude is extended to the Marquis George MacDonald Foundation thru Helen and Kevin McDonald, which has supported the Max and Lorraine Foundation for 20 years.

Michael Tracy, Dawn Timmeney and Kate Button
The Max and Lorraine Foundation


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By |2018-09-13T10:49:17-04:00September 13th, 2018|News|

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