Pasco L. Schiavo Grant Forum


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The Pasco L. Schiavo Fund of The Luzerne Foundation is hosting a Nonprofit Forum on Thursday, September 21st, 2023, 9:00 AM at the Hazleton LaunchBox.

Pasco Schiavo loved his community. His legacy reflects that love of community through his commitment to support its local charities. The Luzerne Foundation is honored to steward grants in Pasco’s memory (up to $10,000) for the betterment of The Greater Hazleton and Weatherly Communities. 

Application Deadline: September 5th, 2023



The Opportunity:

The Luzerne Foundation will select up to 20 nonprofits to speak during a 5-minute time slot. Grant size ranges from $5,000-$10,000.

The Pasco Schiavo Distribution Committee will read through each application and invite participants to speak at the Forum based on the information provided in their applications.

501(c)(3) public charities (in good standing) that serve the Greater Hazleton/ Weatherly area are encouraged to apply.

The Process: To facilitate this opportunity, we developed a two-step timeline to provide all the information that local charities need to know to secure a spot in the Forum:

1. Invitation/Application to Apply:
All qualifying charities that serve the Greater Hazleton and Weatherly communities are invited to apply through our grant portal. The deadline to apply is Tuesday, September 5th, 2023.

2. Notification:
If your organization is selected to participate in the Forum. You will receive notification by September 13th, 2023 and emailed a time slot and preparation for your 5 minutes to speak.

Grant applications will be reviewed by The Luzerne Foundation’s Grants Distribution Committee. They are assessed and evaluated according to specific criteria including but not limited to:

  • Community Impact:Project should be well-defined and should address a need in the community. Project should indicate a defined population served, indicate how it will impact the quality of life in the Hazleton and Weatherly communities and provide qualitative or quantitative measurable outcomes for the grant’s time period.
  • Organizational Capability: Organizations should present a well-defined mission; A demonstrated record of success; A financially sound structure; and leadership and staff with proper expertise to complete the project.
  • Project Feasibility and Sustainability: The application should include an appropriate budget for the project, and should detail how the project will be completed. Other funders and future funding of the project should be identified.


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