The Luzerne Foundation Nonprofit Forum


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Wednesday, October 5, 2022
8:30 AM till Noon
The Woodlands Inn
1073 Highway 315 Wilkes-Barre

Our Process

The Luzerne Foundation will select 30-35 local charities to present for a 5-minute time slot (3 minutes for presentation, 2 minutes of questions). The grant size for this Forum is $5,000-$10,000.

If your organization is awarded a grant from The Luzerne Foundation, we will recognize you at our Annual Meeting CelebrationWednesday, October 19, 2022, at The Westmoreland Club.

The Luzerne Foundation’s Grants Distribution Committee will read through each application and invite participants to speak at the Forum based on the information provided in their applications. 

501(c)(3) public charities (in good standing) that serve Luzerne County residents are encouraged to apply!

  • If you received YAC Funding this year, you are eligible to apply.
  • You are eligible if you applied or participated in last year’s Forum.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: September 15th [helpme_button style=”three-dimension” size=”large” bg_color=”#444444″ txt_color=”#fff” outline_skin=”#444444″ outline_hover_skin=”#fff” icon=”theme-icon-video” url=”” target=”_blank” align=”left” id=”Button ID” margin_bottom=”15″]DOWNLOAD APPLICATION HERE[/helpme_button]

Forum Timeline

September 15: Submission deadline for applications. Please submit electronically to [email protected]. Please send one (1) PDF containing all components of the application and be sure to use the name of your organization in the file name. Example: ABC Charity Forum Submission 2022, etc.

September 25: Notification sent to finalists with Forum Commitment Form, Participation Guidelines, and the time and day of your scheduled presentation.

October 1: PowerPoint slides (optional), Forum Narrative (required), and signed Forum Commitment due via email to [email protected]

**No submissions will be accepted the day of the Forum**

We will notify selected nonprofit organizations of the Grants Distribution Committee’s decision by September 25. If your application is chosen, you will be given participation instructions as you prepare for your 5-minute Forum presentation on October 5.  

It is our honor and privilege to host this Forum. We look forward to receiving your application and wish you good luck in the selection process.

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