Millennium Circle Luncheon


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Local nonprofits, how does $25,000 sound?

Millennium Circle Luncheon
Wednesday, November 3, 2022

The Woodlands Resort
1073 Highway 315 
Wilkes-Barre, PA

Doors open at 11:30 AM  
Luncheon starts promptly at noon

The luncheon is free; however, donations are encouraged and appreciated.

Guests are welcome!

Please include any dietary concerns at that time.

The grant award for 2022 will be $25,000…

Luzerne County Nonprofit organizations, seek out a Millennium Circle member and ask them to nominate your organization. 

Millennium Circle members, nominate your favorite charity

Click here for a Millennium Circle Nomination Form
Click here for a Millennium Circle Membership list

Due Date: Friday, October 7th at the close of business

How will this work? Completed applications should be received and signed by a Millennium Circle Member by the cut-off date of October 7th.  Incomplete applications will be not be considered nor can we “hold your place” in line until missing data is supplied. The 2022 Millennium Circle Advisory Committee will deliberate and select 4-6 finalists who will make their presentations at the luncheon on November 3rd.

 As always, Millennium Circle members will have the opportunity to hear from 4-6 finalists the day of the luncheon on November 3rd, at noon at the Woodlands, and cast their vote for a deserving charity that will receive $25,000.

  Last year, Fork Over Love received the 2021 $25,000 grant.  Click here to learn more!

Please call The Luzerne Foundation at 570.822.2065 if you have any questions. You may ask the nonprofit organization to help complete the form; however, it must include a Millennium Circle Member’s signature upon submission.  

We are looking forward to seeing you at The Millennium Circle Luncheon on November 3.

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