This scholarship was established by the estate of Ronald E. Hontz, who passed away on November 4, 2015. Ron graduated from Lake-Lehman High School in 1964 and was awarded the Sordoni Foundation Scholarship, which allowed him to attend King’s College. He graduated in 1968 with a B.S. in Accounting and began his career with the federal government as an Assistant National Bank Examiner with the U.S. Treasury Department. This is a 4-year renewable award contingent upon satisfactory academic progress.

Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

  1. Must reside in the Lake-Lehman School District geographic area and attend either Lake-Lehman High School, West Side Career & Technology Center, a parochial high school, or who are homeschooled;
  2. Must be pursuing an undergraduate degree at any accredited 2 or 4-year college/university or trade school as a full-time student;
  3. Must be a hard-working student producing to the best of his/her academic ability maintaining at least a 2.5 GPA;
  4. Must demonstrate financial need and the ability to “rise above” economic challenges.