Founded February 2009, Hunts for Healing was created to establish a fund to sponsor wounded soldiers returning from military missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, and veterans who have successfully completed the Wounded Warrior Program at the Military Advanced Training Center, Walter Reed Army Medical Center; allowing them to participate in outdoor programs including, but not limited to, hunter safety, clay target shooting, pheasant, upland and small game hunting, fishing and camping. Hunts for Healing events take place primarily in Northeastern Pennsylvania, but in the future may extend beyond our state borders.
Our mission and field of interest are to create an atmosphere that promotes challenges in the outdoors and healing from within. With the assistance of volunteer guides, mentors and trained field dogs, the experiences Hunts for Healing provides aides in the physical, emotional and spiritual healing, as well as, providing social interaction that allows the soldiers to transition back into their daily lives.
Your tax deductible contributions provides HFH the ability to pay for lodging, meals, hunting gear and clothing, fishing equipment, licenses, targets, ammo, safety gear, transportation expenses, and other items necessary to provide a safe and successful event.
The Hunts for Healing fund is solely supported by private donations.